When Day Becomes Dusk

An ice cream cone sounded like the perfect way to end a hot, hot day in Santiago.

I bought a double cone: mint chip and chocolate. I took it to Plaza de Armas.

I sat on the bench and ate it while people watching.

The sun was setting and the temperature was perfect. I almost made it without a drop of ice cream on my shorts.

Then I went and stood around a couple chess boards in the square.

When Chileans play chess, I can understand everything they say.

A perfect evening.

1 comment on “When Day Becomes Dusk
  • Hey Ben,

    I’m a brit in Santiago looking to connect with more people. Just stumbled onto your blog, enjoyed what you wrote, the slight humor, and tell it like it is stance. Would be good to meet up. Hit me up at my email address (all one ‘word’) dare musik at yahoo canada(.ca) (Im in bellavista area. 26. m. straight)

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