What We Say Without Words


In this helpful slideshow of body positions and movements, a former FBI counterintelligence agent discusses what you can learn about someone's feelings / thoughts by how observing their body language.

The most interesting nugget's at the end: the best indicator of mood is what we are doing with our feet. If we move or kick our feet upwards, we're feeling good. Same with our thumbs or other gestures which defy gravity such as pointing our thumbs up in in our hands.


Speaking of communication, here's the one secret necessary to resolve argument and conflict: ask a single clarifying question about what another person's view is about. That's it!

2 comments on “What We Say Without Words
  • The question rule is very significant, Ben. And I’ve learned that in a disagreement when someone asks me a question. Before answering, sometimes I will ask, “What’s the question behind that question?” That can really go to the issues.

    Actually, it’s related to the “Five Whys”–questions for problem solving.

  • It is so interesting how telling what we do with our feet actually is.

    One thing I have noticed is that, as we develop rapport with someone, the way we align ourselves and our feet sync. If you stay conscious of it, you can actually cause someone to cross/uncross their legs by simply doing it yourself!

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