Give to Charities I Care About

I don’t need any more material objects except for more books.

So, for Christmas or my birthday, please consider giving to charities I care about on my behalf using my GiveList.

I encourage everyone to set up such a gift so we end this nonsense of giving gifts people don’t want/need/use and instead become "everyday philanthropists."

Are there charities that should be on my GiveList that aren’t? Leave a comment and let me know.

Now, Go Suck the Gas Pipe

My friend Ben Springwater at Williams College sent me this essay by a U of Virginia professor that bemoans the state of higher education. It’s the kind of stuff that makes you want to suck the gas pipe – my generation is a consumer culture yearning for entertainment. Oh the good ole’ days, this professor says, when students would have animated conversations about intellectual affairs. Now, they’re too busy surfing their "100 cable channels."

Being so culturally pessimistic is flip, and particularly condescending when coming from the ivory tower. But – but! – this essay does raise some points I’ve discussed on this blog. Incredibly, people still romanticize college and higher ed to an unrealistic degree. People still view it as a melting pot of ideas and the only time you’ll get pure intellectual stimulation for four years. This professor argues, with some merit, that you’re more likely to find students drinking beer to MTV than a novel idea that may challenge the status quo.

There are big problems with education and my generation, but such doomsayer pessimism is not the way to fix it.

Dick Hardt's Kick-Ass Presentation on Identity 2.0

Presentation skills are worthy of obessive study.

Go watch Dick Hardt’s awesome 7-8 presentation on identity 2.0. This is certainly an approach and it especially works for people who don’t rank high on the kinesthetic scale.

Also, the whole problem of how a trusted identity (read: reputation) is transported from the offline world to the online world is very interesting. The Identity 2.0 blog is a good starting point on this.

(Hat tip: Guy Kawasaki)

Two Ways of Looking at Childrearing

Ross Douthat has a great post on feminism, the workplace, and childrearing. He links to articles in the LA Times, American Prospects, and elsewhere that I’ll read when I have time. If you’re interested in this stuff (I am, like when I argued that motherhood as defined by feminists is mutually exclusive with womanhood) go read Ross’ post. It’s great.

Sex and Chess

Two funny articles in the NYT about chess.

1. Sex and Chess. Is She a Queen or a Pawn? – a site is ranking the hottest chess players in the world to drum up interest. #1 is a 16 year old in Australia. Anyone have her number?

2. Chess on TV? – More people would play chess if it could only get the same kind of attention on ESPN that poker has gotten….hmm….I’m sure gambling has something to do with it!