The Right War? Everybody is a Realist Now

One must be judicious in choosing how closely to follow the Iraq war. Every day there are many new analyses, updates, pictures, developments – many of them depressing. Every few weeks there will be recaps and an in-depth look at the state of Iraq at various milestones. Today the NYT Book Review section has a few articles which is my way of staying up-to-date: carefully read the periodic analyses and try to stay above the day-to-day minutia.

‘The Right War?’ and ‘A Matter of Principle’: Everybody Is a Realist Now is the best of the bunch. It fairly reviews a couple books that present the neoconservative view. It is important for anti-war activists to understand that people who still support the war do so because they believe the vision of spreading democracy is noble and liberating a people from a tyrant is morally necessary. Note how WMD was not mentioned here.

The national discussion should center on the issues raised in this article: Is spreading democracy in countries that have never had it before a mere pipe dream? Is there a moral imperative for the U.S. to act that should override any other metric, or is there some threshold of loss-of-life or money that makes war a bad idea? In the neoconservative vision, are we in Iraq for THEIR good (humanitarian reasons) or for OUR good? Which is more just?

Unfortunately, we seemed mired in Cindy Sheehan’s silly antics and the extreme left remaining absolutist in George W. Bush’s evilness.

I Wanted to Get A's This Quarter

So I did.

Friend: "A college is going to think you were retarded freshmen and sophomore years."

At least I contributed to Southwest Airline’s generous profits during those years…

Well-Rounded vs. Lop-Sided Learners

This is totally me. My verbal ability is much stronger than mathematical ability, it’s not even close. I used to think I should really work to be better at my math, but, why fight something that’s not meant to be so? Instead, I’m working on making my natural gift even better: become an unstoppable writer and speaker. And surround myself with people who can do 2 + 2.

Link: Eide Neurolearning Blog: Well-Rounded vs. Lop-Sided Learners.

Adults with high IQs show lower correlations among subtests of the IQ than do those with ordinary IQs (Detterman & Daniel, 1989). Consistent with this, the cognitive profiles of academically gifted children are often quite uneven, with mathematical ability far outstripping verbal ability, or the reverse (Benbow & Minor, 1990). Research is needed to determine how common such uneven profiles among the gifted are, and how common it is to have gifts accompanied by absolute rather than relative weaknesses.

There often seems to be balancing act between certain systems – like words and pictures or words and music. Sometimes people seem very balanced at both, but the question is whether among people with extreme abilities – lop-sidedness or balance is more often the norm.

One of the links below is from a paper which looked at hemispheric lateralization (right brain – left brain) and cooperation during a challenging visual categorization task. The one pattern that made mathematically gifted adolescents stand out from age-matched peers or college students, was that they were better at hemispheric cooperation. So at least for these gifted math students, their more striking difference from age peers or college students was that they were more super right + left brain , rather than super-right or =left.

Must See Movie: Crash

I don’t watch TV and I don’t usually watch movies, unless it comes highly recommended That was the case with Crash, so this evening I walked up the street to the University of California, San Francisco medical center where, in their theater, they were showing Crash for free as part of their psychiatry department’s series on diversity.

The movie totally blew me away, shook me up, and got me thinking. Stop what you’re doing and add it to your Netflix queue or go find another way to see it.

Its premise is race relations in LA. Quality acting. Awesome film work. And a really important issue conveyed with provocative passion.

Walking home in the cool, foggy San Francisco night, my Mom and I stopped at an Irainian restaurant to to pick up some shishkababs to go. We felt like we had walked right back into the movie – we had to pronounce our order extra carefully for the non native to understand us. There was an Asian couple in the Middle Eastern restaurant. And a white woman talking on the phone the whole time while her husband sat silently. All the plot developments in the movie played out five minutes later in real life. That’s the best part of being in a major metropolis.

Go watch Crash, and let me know what you think.

I Was Hypnotized Today

In psychology class today we brought in Dave Hill – The World’s Greatest Hypnotist who performs in Las Vegas and has been on the David Letterman show several times. Over the course of an hour he attempted to put our class of 21 into a deep sleep and then read to us our post-hypnotic suggestions which we wrote on a sheet of paper beforehand. No one did any embarrassing or crazy things after waking, but most of us drifted in and out of hypnosis.

First, the hypnotist made us breath deeply and become very relaxed. Then we closed our eyes and weren’t allowed to open them until he told us so (once we went under, even if you tried to open them, you couldn’t). He then spoke to us to become more and more comfortable, which made us slouch more and more. "Very sleepy, very droopy, you are concentrating perfectly," he would say over and over. After we awoke, he tried "rapid induction" which he claimed only three people in the world can do. He stands right across from the subject, gets him/her comfortable, and then shouts "sleep!" and the person falls into his shoulder and becomes limp.

My post-hypnotic suggestion was "I will not check by BlackBerry for the next two hours." Instead, he read it "You will not check your BlackBerry for the next two weeks, and you will put it in the office of your teacher until November 7th." WTF? When he said that I consciously knew it wasn’t going to work.

Despite some people resisting – if you resist, you can avoid hypnosis – it was still a good time, and will be more fun to watch the video of ourselves tomorrow!