Do blogs change opinions? Dan Gillmor: No

Dan Gillmor, one of the first traditional journalist bloggers and author of We the Media, did a presentation on blogging at the Accelerating Change conference yesterday. Nothing new, but I did get a chance to ask him the question I posed in this post: Are blogs and the ensuing comments actually changing people’s opinions or is it just this-is-my-opinion and this-is-my-opinion? His answer: No. Putting all the fact checking, and original reporting, and all of that to one side, when it comes to opinions and the “conversations” happening, the changing of opinions is not frequent, he thinks. He accredits this to a larger theme in today’s world of many people not changing their opinion on anything. I thought this was a weak secondary point. Though a very important opinion on opinions by a true blog pioneer.

A Saturday at Stanford – BloggerCon and AC2004

I spent all day yesterday at Stanford going to the Accelerating Change conference and BloggerCon. They were right next door to each other, so I was able to go back and forth quite nicely. I was a “high school scholar” at AC, so it was free, and my essay was included in the front of the conference binder. I’m not going to post my detailed notes because tons of people were live blogging both events. But there were some highlights:

  • John Smart, founder of the AC foundation, repeated a quote that I hadn’t heard before but is very relevant to a spirited debate happening at school when it comes to politics: “There’s no such thing as an unbiased education, so the next best thing is a multi-biased one.”
  • The opening keynote speaker at AC was talking about robots but there were serious issues with the projector and her PPT not working. This is always the great irony of futurist conferences: so much time is spent talking about the future, when there are real and simple problems with technology today that need to be solved.
  • After a boring keynote on robots, I decided to sneak out and walk over to the law school where Bloggercon was. I caught the last 20 minutes of Jay Rosen‘s session on “Academia.” I wish I was there for the whole thing. It was awesome. Jay was quite impressive – consistent with his top-notch blog on journalism – and didn’t fall prone to gushing about blogs. In fact, he was skeptical on some points and admitted that there were still problems to be worked out. His overarching point was an intriuging one: people who have never examined an academic’s work before are doing so. The prestige system in academia depends very heavily on not communicating to the average layperson. The blog medium is destructive to an insituation that’s all about centrallizing knowledge. Academia has never been good about distributing knowledge. Hence, blogging is an attack on the DNA of an academic institution.
  • Scott Rosenberg of Salon led the next session on journalism populated by journalists from CBS, NPR, and others. This, too, was excellent. He started off by declaring that for purposes of this session bloggers are journalists. He made it seem like the debate on that has been beaten to death and now it’s a given fact. I must have missed the debate. Rosenberg used this quote to anchor the chat: “New media don’t succeed because they’re like the old media, only better: they succeed because they’re worse than the old media at the stuff the old media is good at, and better at the stuff the old media are bad at.” Check out all his pre-session notes here.
  • Jay Rosen chimed in during the journalism session with this very perceptive point: the traditional healthy information diet that journalists think of is Facts > Analysis > Opinion. That is, you get the facts, you read some analysis, then you read opinion pieces and hopefully form your own independent opinion. But, this can also work in the reverse. Exactly. In an argumentative world where everyone is on one side of the fence or the other, I would bet more and more people are first reading the opinion column, then maybe some analysis, and if they really care, they’ll check out the hard news.
  • I headed back over to AC and came at the tail end of Steve Jurvetson‘s talk on how they look at innovations. DFJ will never invest if there is anonymity amongst all the partners, that means it probably isn’t new or unique enough. It also isn’t a good sign if there are already analysts covering the given segment.
  • While I was getting lunch at AC I noticed Larry Page of Google was next to me grabbing his sandwich. People were going ga-ga over him and anxously trying to hurry up and sit at his table. I could have gone over and sat with him, but I did feel sorry for him. Every day he must get bombarded with people trying to get advice, money, whatever. So intead, sick of networking, I went inside the Stanford campus and watched some of the Cal-Oregon football game.
  • I met Aaron Swartz, too, and tried to better understand his life and why he dropped out of high school to homeschool and then go to Stanford. He’s not incredibly talkable but seems like a nice guy. His physical appearance and writing certainly belies his blog posts.
  • I finally went to Dan Gillmor’s session – I will cover this in a different post.

I’ve been at Stanford a lot recently, and it’s always so beautiful. And it is always a little sad, because I know with my current academic situation schools like Stanford probably will be out of reach. It’s the consequence of my choices – I could spend four years, play the game, be unhappy and unchallenged, and then go to an elite college and do it all over again. For better or worse, I’m doing it a little differently. 🙂

Design touch-ups on blog

I needed to touch up on my Photoshop skills so I said what the hell and did a custom header/masthead for my blog. Out with the old TypePad header and in with a new hip masthead. Out with the old upperbody picture on the homepage and in with two smaller pics in the masthead. The colors match up better too. I now have realized that my blog is no longer a little experiment; rather, it is my identity and homepage on the internet. It’s the number one result on a Google search for Ben Casnocha. Strangers will visit the blog and in 10 seconds come away with their first impression. Aesthetics in-person means a lot for first impressions and it’s just as important online.

A rant about high school

This is a rant about high school, feel free to read or ignore, and pardon my French.

Some days I sit around with friends and laugh so hard that I get sad thinking about when high school will be over. Other days I sit and look around me and see a bunch of really young, immature boys and girls and I want to scream “get me out of here!” It’s a pretty even balance usually. Recently it’s been more of the latter category. All the social instability, and the social climbing, and the gossip, and the clothes, and superficiality, and all that cheap shit. I mean it’s sickening. I see people who came from feeder schools and have been hanging out with the same 3-4 people their whole life (I guess the notion of “branching out” is a dead one). I see people whose only concern in the world is what’s happening the next Friday night. I respect the people who can acknowledge that they have an alcohol or drug problem, but I can’t stand it when they don’t seek help. It’s maddening to see parents be so overprotective that they change their child to be a meek, closed person instead of an assertive, risk-taking one. I’m sick of hearing stories about the latest MTV show. I’m sick of having to hug someone each and every time I see them – can’t we just look each other in the eye and start talking instead of acknowledging our intense happiness to see each other through a hug or “ghetto” handshake? Finally, I’m sick of people whining about their grades and being ultra-competitive with their own friends about these artificial indicators of achievement. Thank God my life isn’t all about high school, as it’s this fact which keeps me as happy and curious as I am!