Government Aid (Africa) and Individual Philanthropy to Non-Critical Causes

There’s been a lot in the news about the G-8 Summit and increased aid to Africa. I will use this as an excuse to talk about 1) Governmental aid to poor countries like those in Africa, 2) Individual philanthropy to non-critical causes.

I am not of the belief that blindly doubling or tripling aid to Africa is a smart thing to do. Although I haven’t yet read Jeffrey Sach’s new book The End of Poverty I am generally skeptical of the argument that if we only gave a billion more dollars to Africa all their problems would be solved. Instead, I believe greed, corruption, and poor governance cannot be overcome by a bigger check. Smart fellows like Clive Crook in the National Journal articulate why smart aid is so much more important than more aid. I applaud the Open Society Initiative’s work on governance in Africa and elsewhere. Indeed, as Crook points out, everyone agrees that aid should go to states that are well-governed. The problem is nearly all African countries are not, and this is not a problem that more money can solve.

Now that we’ve all been exposed to the travesties in Africa and other poor countries, it made me reflect on individual philanthropy. I believe that EVERYONE should be a philanthropist in one way or another – get active in causes you believe in. Most people I know – including me! – are active in causes that are in some way local or relevant to us. That is, it makes us feel better when we support a local school because we can see (and reap?) the fruits of our efforts. I am involved in efforts to teach entrepreneurship education to youth. All of this is fantastic. But compared to millions of children dying of hunger or thousands of women raped due to corrupt police…….It is so easy to give and be active in causes that touch you. It is so much harder – and admirable? – to be active in causes that do not.

1 comment on “Government Aid (Africa) and Individual Philanthropy to Non-Critical Causes
  • ADOPT A RASTAFARI ELDER 868 Signatures

    Category: Human Rights

    Region: GLOBAL


    June 8, 2005

    On Good Friday 1963 in JA. The P.M. Alexander Bustamante issued a statement which was meant to eliminate ALL Rastas from Jamaica. “Bring in All Rastas dead or Alive, what the prisons can’t hol the Jail or cemetery will: Shoot first and ask questions later…” This was the beginning of ethnic cleansing in Ja which continues today.

    Up until 1990 Rastafarian children were not allowed an education in JA. They were barred from entering any schools or colleges, Adults from places of employment. Today things are not much changed in JA for the Rastafarians, thousands have been killed and are being killed all over the Caribbean since the speech by the First P.M. of the Caribbean!.This speech influenced generations of Caribbean islanders and led to the beginning of citizens persecuted for originally their way of life, yet always for wearing LOCKS on their heads.

    Amnesty International would do well to assist People of this Culture and way of life who are persecuted and marginalised wherever there are Jamaican citizens. This deep rooted prejudice by the society over generations has caused Rastafari abroad to refrain from visiting Jamaica and thus the Elders of Rastafari are largely without care or support from their immediate carers and certainly NOT from the Government of Jamaica, even today.Despite the apparent popularity of the hairstyle among singers,the Elders remain forgotten.
    The Elders of Rastafari have suffered and are still suffering the abuse and lack of care as the elderly will testify anywhere on the globe but these 200 Registered for the Adoption programme are all skilled and joyful to share their love with anyone who has an idea of the fact that they nearly dead so we can dread (wear dreadlocks hairstyles today!) ADOPT AN ELDER.

    They were brutalised for a hairstyle and their Religion. HOW LONG? ADOPT AN ELDER GET IN TOUCH WITH Empress Menen [email protected]

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